How to Import Assets into Sitecore Content Hub Programmatically

Vasiliy Fomichev

In Content Hub, DAM, How To Posted

This blog post describes how to create a Content Hub asset importer using the StyleLabs SDK. This importer can be used in mass asset imports from a variety of data sources.

TL;DR Take a look at the Content Hub Importer solution in GitHub. This solution focuses on the downstream import of assets during initial migrations, or periodic updates; in other words it provides a  turn-key solution to integrating with systems on the left side of the Figure 1. Feel free to extend the solution and contribute by submitting pull requests. 


Sitecore Content Hub Importer 


Content Hub API

Sitecore Content Hub provides a robust Hypermedia REST API. This API makes exploring Content Hub data intuitive. The easiest way to integrate with the REST API is to use the StyleLabs SDK. The API supports CRUD operations on any entity in the system, which means that we can manipulate not only assets but also access and update other data stored in the hub, for instance, SSO settings; however, that’s for another post. Without further due, let’s jump right in.


Setting Up the Content Hub Importer Solution

  1. Create a new C# .NET Core project
  2. Add the Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient NugGet package (
    1. Note: this SDK NuGet source is not public; you need to have a valid partner account to login to MyGet (check with your internal Sitecore partnership management or reach out to your assigned Sitecore Partner Alliance manager to get the login)


Creating Content Hub Asset Importer

  1. Create a connector instance that will hold the connection singleton
    using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient;
    using System;
    namespace ContentHub.Importer.Utils
        public static class MConnector
            private static Lazy _client { get; set; }
            public static IWebMClient Client
                    if (_client == null)
                        var auth = new Stylelabs.M.Sdk.WebClient.Authentication.OAuthPasswordGrant()
                            ClientId = AppSettings.ClientId,
                            ClientSecret = AppSettings.ClientSecret,
                            UserName = AppSettings.Username,
                            Password = AppSettings.Password
                        _client = new Lazy(() => MClientFactory.CreateMClient(AppSettings.Host, auth));
                        IWebMClient client = MClientFactory.CreateMClient(AppSettings.Host, auth);
                    return _client.Value;
  2. Create the AppSettings configuration singleton.
    using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    namespace ContentHub.Importer.Utils
        public static class AppSettings
            private static IConfiguration _config;
            public static IConfiguration Configuration
                    if (_config == null)
                        var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                        _config = builder.Build();
                    return _config;
            public static Uri Host { get { return new Uri($"{Configuration["M:Host"]}"); } }
            public static string ClientId { get { return $"{Configuration["M:ClientId"]}"; } }
            public static string ClientSecret { get { return $"{Configuration["M:ClientSecret"]}"; } }
            public static string Username { get { return $"{Configuration["M:Username"]}"; } }
            public static string Password { get { return $"{Configuration["M:Password"]}"; } }
            public static string TempDirectory { get { return $"{Configuration["TempDirectory"]}"; } }

    And the supporting appsettings.json with the setting values –

      "M": {
        "Host": "",
        "ClientId": "MyId",
        "ClientSecret": "bd35a6e2-bf59-46bb-9475-e5b4aaca8426",
        "username": "MyUser",
        "Password": "ContentHubR0ck$!"

    To get the ClientId and ClientSecret settings, create a new client under Manage > OAuth clients.

  3. Add the Asset class (model with operations)
    using ContentHub.Importer.Utils;
    using Stylelabs.M.Base.Querying;
    using Stylelabs.M.Base.Querying.Linq;
    using Stylelabs.M.Framework.Essentials.LoadOptions;
    using Stylelabs.M.Sdk;
    using Stylelabs.M.Sdk.Contracts.Base;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace ContentHub.Importer
        public class Asset
            public string OriginUrl { get; set; }
            public string Description { get; set; }
            public string MarketingDescription { get; set; }
            public string AssetType { get; set; }
            public string SocialMediaChannel { get; set; }
            public string ContentSecurity { get; set; }
            public string AssetSource { get; set; }
            public string LifecycleStatus { get; set; }
            private static string username = "ApiAdmin";
            public string Title
                    var lastPart = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(OriginUrl);
                    return lastPart ?? "Fallback Title - CHANGE ME";
            public static async Task CreateAssetTypeAsync(string name)
                // Check if the asset type already exists
                var query = Query.CreateIdsQuery(entities =>
                        from e in entities
                        where e.Property(Constants.AssetType.Properties.Label, Constants.DefaultCulture) == name
                        select e);
                var result = await MConnector.Client.Querying.QueryIdsAsync(query).ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (result.Items.Count > 0) return result.Items.First();
                // Create a new asset type entity
                var assetType = await MConnector.Client.EntityFactory.CreateAsync(Constants.AssetType.DefinitionName, CultureLoadOption.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Set a human readable identifier
                assetType.Identifier = $"{Constants.AssetType.DefinitionName}.{name}";
                // Set the classification name
                assetType.SetPropertyValue(Constants.AssetType.Properties.Label, Constants.DefaultCulture, name);
                // Mark the asset type as a root taxonomy item
                assetType.IsRootTaxonomyItem = true;
                // Save the asset type
                var assetTypeId = await MConnector.Client.Entities.SaveAsync(assetType).ConfigureAwait(false);
                return assetTypeId;
            public static async Task SetupAssetAsync(Asset importedAsset)
                // Optional: Impersonate the user to setup the asset
                var impersonatedClient = await MConnector.Client.ImpersonateAsync(username).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Get or create the asset type
                var assetTypeId = await CreateAssetTypeAsync(importedAsset.AssetType).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Create an asset
                var assetId = await CreateAsset(impersonatedClient, importedAsset, assetTypeId).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Create a fetchjob to attach a resource/file to the asset
                var fetchJobId = await Jobs.CreateFetchJob(assetId, new Uri(importedAsset.OriginUrl)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                Console.WriteLine($"Added asset {assetId}. Job ID {fetchJobId}");
            public static async Task CreateAsset(IMClient client, Asset importedAsset, long? assetTypeId = null)
                // Create the entity resource
                var asset = await client.EntityFactory.CreateAsync(Constants.Asset.DefinitionName, CultureLoadOption.Default).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Set the mandatory title property
                asset.SetPropertyValue(Constants.Asset.Properties.Title, importedAsset.Title);
                asset.SetPropertyValue(Constants.Asset.Properties.Description, Constants.DefaultCulture ,importedAsset.Description);
                asset.SetPropertyValue(Constants.Asset.Properties.AssetSource, importedAsset.AssetSource);
                asset.SetPropertyValue(Constants.Asset.Properties.MarketingDescription, importedAsset.MarketingDescription);
                // Link the asset to content repository: standard
                var standardContentRepository = await client.Entities.GetAsync(Constants.ContentRepositories.Standard).ConfigureAwait(false);
                var contentRepositoryRelation = asset.GetRelation(Constants.Asset.Relations.ContentRepositoryToAsset);
                // Link the asset to lifecycle
                var finalLifeCycleCreated = await client.Entities.GetAsync($"{Constants.Asset.LifeCyclePrefix}{importedAsset.LifecycleStatus}").ConfigureAwait(false);
                var finalLifeCycleRelation = asset.GetRelation(Constants.Asset.Relations.FinalLifeCycleStatusToAsset);
                finalLifeCycleRelation.Parent = finalLifeCycleCreated.Id.Value;
                // Link the asset to content security
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importedAsset.ContentSecurity))
                    var contentSecurityCreated = await client.Entities.GetAsync($"{Constants.Asset.ContentSecurityPrefix}{UppercaseFirst(importedAsset.ContentSecurity).Replace(" ", string.Empty)}").ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var contentSecurityRelation = asset.GetRelation(Constants.Asset.Relations.ContentSecurityToAsset);
                    contentSecurityRelation.Parent = contentSecurityCreated.Id.Value;
                // Link the asset to social media
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(importedAsset.SocialMediaChannel))
                    var socialMediaChannelCreated = await client.Entities.GetAsync($"{Constants.Asset.SocialMediaChannelPrefix}{importedAsset.SocialMediaChannel}").ConfigureAwait(false);
                    var socialMediaChannelRelation = asset.GetRelation(Constants.Asset.Relations.SocialMediaChannelToAsset);
                    socialMediaChannelRelation.Parent = socialMediaChannelCreated.Id.Value;
                // Link the asset to asset source
                //var assetSourceCreated = await client.Entities.GetAsync($"AssetSource.Legacy").ConfigureAwait(false);
                //var assetSourceRelation = asset.GetRelation("AssetSource");
                //assetSourceRelation.Parent = assetSourceCreated.Id.Value;
                // Link the asset to the asset type when specified
                if (assetTypeId.HasValue)
                    var assetTypeRelation = asset.GetRelation(Constants.Asset.Relations.AssetTypeToAsset);
                    assetTypeRelation.Parent = assetTypeId.Value;
                // Create the asset
                var assetId = await client.Entities.SaveAsync(asset).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Return a reference to the newly created asset
                return assetId;
            static string UppercaseFirst(string s)
                // Check for empty string.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                    return string.Empty;
                // Return char and concat substring.
                return char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1);
  4. Add the supporting Constants file
    using System.Globalization;
    namespace ContentHub.Importer
        public static class Constants
            public static readonly CultureInfo DefaultCulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US");
            public static class Job
                public const string DefinitionName = "M.Job";
                public static class Properties
                    public const string Condition = "Job.Condition";
                    public const string State = "Job.State";
                    public const string Type = "Job.Type";
                public static class Conditions
                    public const string Failed = "Failed";
                    public const string Pending = "Pending";
                    public const string Success = "Success";
                public static class States
                    public const string Failed = "Failed";
                    public const string Pending = "Pending";
                    public const string Completed = "Completed";
                public static class Types
                    public const string Processing = "Processing";
            public static class AssetType
                public const string DefinitionName = "M.AssetType";
                public static class Properties
                    public const string Label = "Label";
                public static class Relations
                    public const string AssetTypeToAsset = "AssetTypeToAsset";
            public static class Asset
                public const string DefinitionName = "M.Asset";
                public const string AsssetTypeIdPrefix = "M.AssetType.";
                public const string LifeCyclePrefix = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.";
                public const string ContentSecurityPrefix = "ContentSecurity.";
                public const string SocialMediaChannelPrefix = "SocialMedia.";
                public static class MemberGroups
                    public const string Content = "Content";
                public static class Properties
                    public const string ApprovalDate = "ApprovalDate";
                    public const string Title = "Title";
                    public const string Description = "Description";
                    public const string MarketingDescription = "MarketingDescription";
                    public const string FileName = "FileName";
                    public const string AssetSource = "AssetSource";
                public static class Relations
                    public const string AssetTypeToAsset = "AssetTypeToAsset";
                    public const string AssetMediaToAsset = "AssetMediaToAsset";
                    public const string ContentRepositoryToAsset = "ContentRepositoryToAsset";
                    public const string FinalLifeCycleStatusToAsset = "FinalLifeCycleStatusToAsset";
                    public const string ContentSecurityToAsset = "ContentSecurity";
                    public const string AssetSourceToAsset = "AssetSource"; 
                    public const string SocialMediaChannelToAsset = "SocialMediaChannel";
            public static class ContentRepositories
                public const string Standard = "M.Content.Repository.Standard";
            public static class LifeCycleStatus
                public const string Created = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.Created";
                public const string Approved = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.Approved";
                public const string Rejected = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.Rejected";
                public const string Archived = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.Archived";
                public const string RequiresApproval = "M.Final.LifeCycle.Status.RequiresApproval";
  5. Call the Asset Importer from your code
    await Asset.SetupAssetAsync(asset);


 As you can see, importing assets into Sitecore Content Hub is a breeze. There is one thing to be careful about – the LifeCycle status. The Create space in Content Hub is restricted to individual user accounts, while Review and Content spaces can be shared. If you would like to import assets into the Create space, make sure to import them impersonating the right user, which is set in the Asset class; otherwise, the assets will not appear in the Create space.

Quick Tip:

The importer returns the newly created asset ID that can be used to access the asset directly by navigating to https://[content hub domain]/en-us/asset/[asset ID] to view the detail page, or https://[content hub domain]/api/entities/[asset ID] to view the JSON output of the metadata, which also contains a “created_by” property, in case you need to check who the creator was for troubleshooting purposes.